Queensland Consolidated Acts

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- As at 21 June 2024 
- Act 78 of 1982 


           Long Title


   1.      Short title
   2.      Commencement
   3.      Object
   4.      Definitions
   4A.     References to operation of casino etc.
   4B.     Declaration for Commonwealth Act
   5.      Exercise of power on conditions


   6.      (Repealed)
   7.      (Repealed)
   8.      (Repealed)
   9.      (Repealed)
   10.     (Repealed)
   11.     (Repealed)
   12.     (Repealed)
   13.     Protection from liability
   14.     Confidentiality of information
   14A.    Approved evaluators
   15.     Delegations
   15A.    Chief executive may make guidelines
   16.     Approval of forms
   17.     Police commissioner to notify changes in criminal history


   18.     Grant of casino licences
   19.     Agreement to precede grant of casino licence
   20.     Suitability of casino licensee and other persons
   21.     Hotel-casino complex owner or State as licensee
   22.     Casino licence
   23.     Duration of casino licence
   24.     Lease of hotel-casino complex or of casino
   25.     Casino management agreement
   26.     Suitability of lessee under a casino lease, casino operator under a casino management agreement and other persons
   27.     Minister to make recommendation
   28.     Determination by Governor in Council concerning approval
   29.     Variation of casino lease or casino management agreement
   29A.    Notice of particular change under casino management agreement
   30.     Investigations concerning continued suitability of casino licensee etc.
   30A.    Duty to cooperate
   30B.    Notice of particular contraventions and breaches
   30C.    Requiring information from particular entities
   30D.    Giving false or misleading information to the Minister or chief executive
   31.     Disciplinary action
   31A.    Costs for disciplinary action
   32.     Mortgage and assignment of casino licence etc.
   33.     Surrender of casino licence


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   34.     Unlicensed persons not to be casino key employees or casino employees

           Division 2 - Obtaining casino key employee and casino employee licences

   35.     Application for licence
   35A.    Further information or documents to support application
   36.     Requirement to apply for casino key employee licence in certain cases
   37.     Consideration of application
   38.     Decision on application
   39.     Conditions of licence
   39A.    Form of licence
   39B.    Duration of licence
   39C.    Changing conditions of licence
   39D.    Recording change of conditions
   39E.    Replacement of licence

           Division 3 - Obligations of casino operators and employees

   40.     (Repealed)
   41.     Display of identification
   42.     (Repealed)

           Division 4 - Investigation of casino key employee and casino employee licensees

   43A.    Investigations about casino key employees or casino employees
   43B.    Minister may approve audit program to investigate casino key employees and casino employees

           Division 5 - Suspension and cancellation of casino key employee and casino employee licences, and other action by chief executive

              Subdivision 1 - Suspension and cancellation

   44.     Grounds
   44A.    (Repealed)
   44B.    (Repealed)
   44C.    (Repealed)
   44D.    (Repealed)
   44E.    (Repealed)
   44F.    (Repealed)
   44G.    (Repealed)
   45.     Show cause notice
   45A.    Consideration of representations
   45B.    Immediate suspension
   45C.    Suspension and cancellation of licence after show cause process

              Subdivision 2 - Other action by chief executive

   45D.    Ending show cause process without further action
   45E.    Censuring holder of licence
   45F.    Direction to rectify matter after show cause process
   45G.    Cancellation or reduction of period of suspension

           Division 6 - Other matters about casino key employee and casino employee licensees

   46.     Surrender of casino key employee licence or casino employee licence
   47.     Termination of employment of employee and notification of termination of employment
   47A.    Destruction of fingerprints and palm prints of former licence holders

           Division 7 - Provisional licences

   48.     Provisional licences

           Division 8 - Miscellaneous

   49.     Reference to employment


           Division 1 - Supervision levy

   50.     Purpose of division
   50A.    Liability for supervision levy
   50B.    Amount of supervision levy
   50C.    Contribution notice for supervision levy
   50D.    Dealing with supervision levy
   50E.    Periodic reviews of division

           Division 2 - Casino tax

   51.     Casino tax
   51A.    (Repealed)
   52.     (Repealed)
   53.     Adjustment of casino tax

           Division 3 - General

   53A.    (Repealed)
   54.     Disposition of taxes and application fees
   55.     Penalty for late payment
   56.     Recovery of taxes and levies
   57.     Liability for taxes and levies
   57A.    (Expired)


           Division 1 - Particular matters about casino operation

   58.     Maintenance of facilities etc.
   59.     Casino layout
   60.     Changes to casino layout
   61.     Hours of operation
   62.     Gaming equipment and chips
   62AA.   Approval of security devices
   62A.    Gaming equipment outside of casino
   63.     Casino games
   64.     Help for patrons about rules of games
   64AA.   (Repealed)
   64A.    Wagers other than permissible minimum and maximum wagers
   65.     Obligations of casino operator in relation to conduct of games
   65A.    Chief executive may approve gaming documents
   65B.    Repairers of gaming machines
   65C.    Liquor served at tables etc.
   66.     Casino operator shall not accept credit wagers etc.
   66A.    Maximum expenditure in cash transactions in any 24-hour period
   67.     Player accounts
   67A.    Exchange by casino operator of chip purchase voucher for approved payment method
   68.     Exchange by casino operator of chip purchase voucher for cheque
   69.     Redemption of cheques
   70.     Depositing of cheques
   71.     No redemption to delay payment
   71A.    Unclaimed winnings and prizes
   72.     Training courses for employees
   72A.    Advertising casinos
   72B.    Directions about advertising
   72C.    Harm minimisation measures

           Division 2 - Player cards

   72D.    Definitions for division
   72E.    Requirement to use player cards
   72F.    Casino operator to ensure proper use of player cards
   72G.    Players to properly use player cards
   72H.    Requirements about information recording and transfer
   72I.    Casino operator must give reports of de-identified information
   72J.    Chief executive may require casino operator to give information
   72K.    Chief executive may give de-identified information for research

           Division 3 - Pre-commitment systems

   72L.    Meaning of pre-commitment system
   72M.    Requirement to implement pre-commitment system
   72N.    Offence relating to requirement to implement pre-commitment system


   73.     Casino operations to be conducted under approved control system
   74.     Control system submission
   75.     Control system (change) submission
   75A.    Dealing with submissions
   75B.    Direction to change approved control system
   76.     Keeping books, records and documents
   77.     Keeping of bank accounts
   78.     Accounts to be kept
   79.     Financial statements and accounts
   80.     Chief executive may approve financial year period
   81.     Submission of reports
   82.     Audit of operations
   83.     Wider application of certain provisions of this part


           Division 1 - Approval and review of agreements

   84.     Restriction on certain agreements etc.
   85.     Review of agreements etc.

           Division 2 - Junket agreements

   85A.    Definitions
   85B.    Groups of participants
   85C.    Promoter and participant
   85D.    Special junket agreements


           Division 1 - Inspectors

              Subdivision 1 - Appointment of inspectors

   85E.    Appointment and qualifications

              Subdivision 2 - Other matters about inspectors

   85F.    Conditions and limit on powers
   85G.    Issue of identity card
   85H.    Production or display of identity card
   85I.    When inspector ceases to hold office
   85J.    Resignation
   85K.    Return of identity card

              Subdivision 3 - Audit program and report about criminal history

   85L.    Audit program
   85M.    Report about criminal history

           Division 2 - Directions, powers of inspectors etc.

   86.     Directions as to operation of casino
   87.     Inspectors may be and remain on casino premises
   87A.    Power to require name and address
   88.     Other powers of inspectors
   88A.    Privilege against self incrimination
   89.     Offences relating to inspectors
   90.     Bank may be required to furnish particulars

           Division 3 - Special manager

   90A.    (Repealed)
   90B.    Application of division
   90C.    Appointment of special manager
   90D.    Functions of special manager
   90E.    Powers of special manager
   90F.    Reports of special manager
   90G.    Costs for special manager
   90H.    Obstruction or interference with special manager
   90I.    Relationship with other provisions, Acts, agreements and laws

           Division 3A - Access to gambling related systems

   90J.    Casino operator to give access to electronic systems

           Division 3B - Reviews of casino operations, suitability of entities and other matters

   90K.    Definition for division
   90L.    Conduct of reviews
   90M.    Appointment of reviewer
   90N.    Full reviews
   90O.    Powers etc. of reviewer
   90P.    Legal professional privilege
   90Q.    Review proceedings in public or private
   90R.    Casino entities must pay costs of review
   90S.    Review report

           Division 4 - Other matters

   91.     (Repealed)
   91AA.   Direction to appoint external adviser
   91AB.   Power to require verification of information
   91AC.   Remediation plan


   91A.    Who may apply for review
   91B.    Tribunal to decide review on evidence before the chief executive
   91C.    Tribunal may give leave for review to be decided on new evidence in particular circumstances
   91D.    Appeals from tribunal only to Court of Appeal on a question of law
   91E.    (Repealed)
   91F.    (Repealed)
   91G.    (Repealed)
   91H.    (Repealed)
   91I.    (Repealed)
   91J.    (Repealed)
   91K.    (Repealed)
   91L.    (Repealed)
   91M.    (Repealed)


           Division 1 - Matters about excluding people from casinos

              Subdivision 1 - Provisions about self-exclusion

   91N.    Self-exclusion notice
   91O.    Self-exclusion order
   91P.    Revoking self-exclusion order

              Subdivision 2 - Exclusion instigated by other persons

   92.     Entry to and exclusion of entry from casino—generally
   93.     (Repealed)
   93A.    Exclusion direction for person experiencing harm from gambling
   94.     Commissioner of the police service may exclude entry
   95.     (Repealed)
   96.     Duration of direction under s 92 or 94
   97.     Duration of exclusion direction
   98.     Application to revoke exclusion direction
   99.     Deciding application to revoke exclusion direction

              Subdivision 3 - Other provisions

   99C.    Who is a person experiencing harm from gambling
   100.    Particular persons not to enter or remain in casino
   100A.   Counselling
   100B.   Obligation to prevent persons from entering or remaining in casino
   100C.   Register
   100D.   Report about prohibition under order or direction
   100E.   Distributing promotional or advertising material about a casino
   101.    Powers of inspectors etc. unaffected

           Division 2 - Minors

   102.    Provisions relating to minors in respect of casinos
   102A.   Minors employed by casino operator
   102B.   Minors on heritage tour of a hotel-casino complex

           Division 3 - Cheating

   103.    Cheating
   104.    Unlawful use of certain equipment etc.
   105.    (Repealed)
   106.    (Repealed)

           Division 4 - Offences

   107.    Offences relating to revenue
   108.    Offences relating to unauthorised games
   109.    Offences relating to cheating by casino operator etc.
   110.    Forgery and like offences
   110A.   Offence about keeping particular benefit
   111.    Bribery of officers
   112.    Certain officers of the department not to gamble etc.

           Division 5 - Miscellaneous

   113.    Entry to casino by police officers
   114.    No compensation payable for regulatory action
   115.    (Repealed)
   116.    Source of information or reports
   117.    Effect of casino licence
   118.    (Repealed)
   119.    (Repealed)
   120.    Proceedings for offences
   121.    (Repealed)
   122.    Attempt to commit offence
   123.    Executive officer may be taken to have committed offence against s 108(1)
   124.    Forfeiture
   125.    Service of notices, documents etc.
   126.    Evidentiary provisions
   126A.   Code of conduct for casino operators
   127.    Regulation-making power


           Division 1 - Saving provision for Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No. 2) 1992

   128.    Existing regulations

           Division 2 - Transitional provision for Casino Control Amendment Act 1996

   129.    Overpayments of casino tax

           Division 3 - Transitional provisions for Gambling Legislation Amendment Act 2002

   130.    Definition for div 3
   131.    Unredeemed keno dollars
   132.    Dealing with existing applications
   133.    Appeals

           Division 4 - Transitional provisions for Gambling Legislation Amendment Act 2004

   134.    Definitions for div 4
   135.    (Repealed)
   136.    (Repealed)
   137.    Direction to rectify under pre-amended Act
   138.    (Repealed)
   139.    Directions given under particular provision

           Division 5 - Transitional provisions for Gambling Legislation Amendment Act 2005

   140.    Definitions for div 5
   141.    Control systems
   142.    Inspectors
   143.    Audit program for inspectors

           Division 6 - Transitional provision for Gambling Legislation Amendment Act 2008

   144.    Approved security devices—s 62AA

           Division 7 - Transitional provisions for Fuel Subsidy Repeal and Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2009

   145.    Definitions for div 7
   146.    Casino community benefit levy
   147.    Payment into community investment fund

           Division 8 - Transitional provisions for Liquor and Gaming (Red Tape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013

   148.    Continuation of offence under s 72(2)
   149.    Existing unclaimed winnings

           Division 9 - Transitional provision for Construction and Tourism (Red Tape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014

   150.    Amalgamation of Casino Community Benefit Fund with gambling community benefit fund

           Division 10 - Transitional provision for Queen’s Wharf Brisbane Act 2016

   151.    Application of amended provisions

           Division 11 - Transitional provision for Casino Control and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2022

   152.    Changes to disciplinary action

           Division 12 - Transitional provisions for Casino Control and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024

   153.    Definitions for division
   154.    Casino licence fee
   155.    Supervision levy
   156.    Cash transactions approved for particular provisions
           SCHEDULE - Dictionary

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