This legislation has been repealed.
TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title PART 1--Preliminary 1. Short title 2. Objects of Act 3. Interpretation 4. Average weekly earnings 5. Act to bind Crown 6. Territorial application of Act 6A. Determination of State with which worker's employment is connected in proceedings under this Act 6B. Recognition of previous determinations PART 2--The Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Advisory Committee 7. Advisory Committee 8. Functions of Advisory Committee 9. Terms and conditions of office 10. Allowances and expenses 11. Proceedings etc of the Advisory Committee 12. Confidentiality 13. Conflict of interest under Public Sector (Honesty and Accountability) Act PART 3--Rehabilitation and accident prevention programmes Division 1--Rehabilitation 26. Rehabilitation programmes 27. Clinics and other facilities 28. Rehabilitation advisers 28A. Rehabilitation and return to work plans 28B. Review of plan 28C. Rehabilitation standards and requirements 28D. Rehabilitation and return to work co-ordinators Division 2--Injury prevention programmes 29. Prevention programmes PART 4--Compensation Division 1--Conditions under which injury is compensable 30. Compensability of injuries 30A. Psychiatric injuries 30B. Effect of misconduct etc 31. Evidentiary provision Division 2--Compensation for medical expenses etc 32. Compensation for medical expenses 32A. Special provisions for payment of medical expenses after initial notification of injury 33. Transportation for initial treatment Division 3--Compensation for property damage 34. Compensation for property damage Division 4--Compensation by way of income maintenance 35. Preliminary 35A. Weekly payments over designated periods 35B. Weekly payments after expiry of designated periods--no work capacity 35C. Weekly payments after expiry of designated periods--current work capacity 36. Discontinuance of weekly payments 37. Adjustments due to change from original arrangements 38. Review of weekly payments 39. Economic adjustments to weekly payments 40. Weekly payments and leave entitlements 41. Absence of worker from Australia Division 4A--Redemption 42. Redemption of liabilities Division 5--Compensation for non-economic loss 43. Lump sum compensation 43A. Assessment of impairment 43B. No disadvantage--compensation table Division 6--Compensation payable on death 44. Compensation payable on death--weekly payments 45. Review of weekly payments 45A. Compensation payable on death--lump sums 45B. Funeral benefit 45C. Counselling services Division 7--Liability to pay compensation 46. Incidence of liability 47. Augmentation of weekly payment in consequence of delay 48. Payments by Corporation on behalf of defaulting employer 49. Corporation may undertake employer's liability to make weekly payments 50. Corporation as insurer of last resort Division 7A--Special provisions for commencement of weekly payments after initial notification of injury 50A. Interpretation 50B. Commencement of weekly payments following initial notification of injury 50C. Status of payments 50D. Worker to be notified if weekly payments are not commenced 50E. Notice of commencement of weekly payments 50F. Obligations of worker 50G. Liability to make weekly payments not affected by making of claim 50H. Set-offs and rights of recovery 50I. Status of decisions Division 8--Notices of injuries and claims for compensation 51. Duty to give notice of injury 52. Claim for compensation 53. Determination of claim Division 9--Miscellaneous Subdivision 1--Limitations on liability 54. Limitation of employer's liability 55. Prohibition of double recovery of compensation 57. Compensation payable in respect of injuries arising from employment on ships 58. Certain sporting injuries not to be compensable Subdivision 2--Choice of law 58AA. The applicable substantive law for work injury claims 58AB. Claims to which Subdivision applies 58AC. What constitutes injury and employment 58AD. Claim in respect of death included 58AE. Meaning of substantive law 58AF. Availability of action in another State not relevant Subdivision 3--Other matters 58A. Reports of return to work etc 58B. Employer's duty to provide work or pay wages 58C. Notice of termination of employment to be given in certain cases PART 5--Registration and funding Division 1--Registration of employers 59. Registration of employers 60. Self-insured employers 61. The Crown and certain agencies to be self-insured employers 62. Applications and changes in details for registration 62A. Ministerial appeal on decisions relating to self-insured employers Division 2--Delegation to self-insured employers 63. Delegation to self-insured employer Division 3--The Compensation Fund 64. Compensation Fund Division 4--WorkCover premium requirements Subdivision 1--Preliminary 65. Preliminary Subdivision 2--Premiums (terms and conditions) 66. Premiums (terms and conditions) Subdivision 3--Premiums (general principles) 67. Liability to pay premiums 68. Employer categories 69. Classes of industry 70. Industry rates and base premiums Subdivision 4--Premiums (calculation and application) 71. Premiums 72. Premium stages 72A. Grouping provisions Division 5--Self-insured employers--fees 72B. Self-insured employers--fees Division 6--Remissions and supplementary payments 72C. Remissions and supplementary payments Division 7--Administration of premiums/fees scheme 72D. Interpretation 72E. Provision of information (initial calculations) 72F. Provision of information (on-going requirements) 72G. Revised estimates or determinations 72H. Further adjustments 72I. Deferred payment 72J. Recovery on default 72K. Penalty for late payment 72L. Exercise of adjustment powers 72M. Review 72N. Payments to be made to Corporation 72OGST 72P. Transfer of business 72Q. Reasonable mistake about application of Act Division 8--Miscellaneous 73. Separate accounts 74. Liability to keep accounts 75. Person ceasing to be an employer 76. Certificate of registration 76AA. Discontinuance fee PART 6--Workers Compensation Tribunal Division 1--Establishment of Tribunal 77. Establishment of Tribunal 77A. Seal Division 2--Constitution of the Tribunal 78. Constitution of Tribunal 78A. Full Bench 78B. Exercise of Tribunal's powers by the Registrar Division 3--Jurisdiction of the Tribunal 79. Jurisdiction Division 4--The presidential members 80. The President 80A. The Deputy Presidents Division 5--Conciliation officers 81. Appointment of conciliation officers 81A. Conditions of appointment 81B. Administrative responsibilities of conciliation officers Division 6--Administrative and ancillary staff 82. Administrative and ancillary staff 82A. Appointment etc of the Registrar 82B. Responsibilities of administrative and ancillary staff Division 7--Sittings and distribution of business 83. Time and place of sittings 83A. Adjournment from time to time and from place to place Division 8--Evidence 84. Tribunal not to be bound by evidentiary rules 84A. Power to require attendance of witnesses and production of evidentiary material 84B. Power to compel the giving of evidence 84C. Entry and inspection of property 84D. Issue of evidentiary summonses Division 9--General principles and rules 85. Principles of equity and good conscience 85A. Hearings to be in public 85B. Representation Division 10--Appeals and references of questions of law 86. Appeal on question of law 86A. Reference of question of law and final appeal to Supreme Court Division 11--Enforcement of judgments 87. Certified copy of judgment or order 87A. Enforcement of judgments and orders Division 12--Miscellaneous 88. Immunities 88A. Contempts of Tribunal 88B. Punishment of contempts 88C. Miscellaneous provisions about legal process 88D. Service 88DA. Power to enlarge scope of proceedings 88E. Rules 88F. Costs of proceedings 88G. Recovery of costs of representation 88H. Power to set aside judgments or orders 88I. Finality of the Tribunal's decisions PART 6A--Dispute resolution Division 1--Preliminary 89. Interpretation 89A. Reviewable decisions Division 2--Notice of dispute 90. Notice of dispute 90A. Time for lodging notice of dispute 90B. Notice to be given by Registrar Division 3--Initial reconsideration 91. Initial reconsideration 91A. Reference of disputes to conciliation Division 4--Conciliation proceedings 92. Assignment of presidential member or conciliation officer to preside at conciliation proceedings 92A. Obligation of conciliator 92B. Calling of conciliation conference 92C. Procedure in conciliation proceedings 92D. Reference of dispute into Tribunal Division 6--Judicial determination of dispute 94A. Constitution of Tribunal 94B. Pre-hearing conference 94C. Determination of dispute Division 7--Costs 95. Costs 95A. Costs liability of representatives Division 8--Ministerial intervention 96. Ministerial intervention PART 6B--Special jurisdiction to expedite decisions 97. Special jurisdiction 97A. Constitution of Tribunal for proceedings under this Part 97B. Powers of Tribunal on application 97C. Costs PART 6C--Medical Panels Division 1--Establishment and constitution 98. Establishment 98A. Constitution 98B. Procedures 98C. Validity of acts 98D. Immunity of members Division 2--Functions and powers 98E. Interpretation 98F. Functions 98G. Powers and procedures on a referral 98H. Opinions Division 3--Related matters 98I. Admissibility 98J. Support staff PART 6D--WorkCover Ombudsman Division 1--Appointment and conditions of office 99. Appointment 99A. Term of office and conditions of appointment 99B. Remuneration 99C. Temporary appointments Division 2--Functions and powers 99D. Functions 99E. Powers--general 99F. Obtaining information 99G. Power to examine witnesses etc Division 3--Other matters 99H. Independence 99I. Staff 99J. Funding 99K. Delegation 99L. Annual report 99M. Other reports PART 7--Miscellaneous 103. Extension of the application of this Act to self-employed persons 103A. Special provision for prescribed classes of volunteers 105. Insurance of registered employers against other liabilities 106. Payment of interim benefits 106A. Payment not to constitute an admission of liability 107. Employer may request progress report 107A. Copies of medical reports 107B. Worker's right of access to claims file 108. Medical examination at request of employer 109. Worker to be supplied with copy of medical report 110. Powers of entry and inspection 111. Inspection of place of employment by rehabilitation adviser 112. Confidentiality to be maintained 112AA. Confidentiality--employers 112A. Employer information 113. Injuries that develop gradually 114. Certain payments not to affect benefits under this Act 115. No contribution from workers 116. Payment of compensation where worker in prison 117. Service of documents 118. Service of documents on the Corporation 119. Contract to avoid Act 120. Dishonesty 120A. Evidence 122. Offences 122A. Expiation fees 123A. Right of intervention 123B. Code of Claimants' Rights 124. Regulations Schedule 1--Transitional provisions 1. Interpretation 2. Application of repealed Act 3. Exempt employers 4. Mining and Quarrying Industries Fund 5. Statutory Reserve Fund 5A. Insurance Assistance Fund 5B. Investment of, and dealings with, the Funds 5C. Entitlement to documents 5D. Compensation payable to domestic partner on death of worker 5E. Additional transitional provisions 6. Acts Interpretation Act Schedule 2--Injuries presumed to arise from employment Schedule 2A--Injuries presumed to arise from employment as a firefighter Schedule 3--Minimum amounts of compensation according to degree of impairment under regulations Schedule 3A--No disadvantage--non-economic loss compensation Schedule 4--Adjacent areas 1. Interpretation 2. Adjacent areas Legislative history The Parliament of South Australia enacts as follows: