Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

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           Long Title


CHAPTER 1--Preliminary


   1.      Short title  
   2.      Commencement  
   3.      Simplified outline of this Act  
   4.      Objects of this Act  
   5.      Appropriate Level of Protection (ALOP) for Australia against biosecurity risks  
   6.      Act binds the Crown  
   7.      Extension of Act to Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and other prescribed external Territories  
   8.      Concurrent operation of State and Territory laws  


   9.      Definitions  
   10.     Meaning of approved arrangement  
   11.     Meaning of associate  
   12.     Meaning of Australian territory  
   13.     Meaning of biosecurity entry point  
   14.     Meaning of biosecurity industry participant and covered by  
   14A.    Meaning of biosecurity worker  
   16.     Meaning of conveyance  
   17.     Meaning of exposed to  
   18.     Meaning of first point of entry  
   19.     Meaning of goods  
   20.     Meaning of installation  
   21.     Meaning of operator of a conveyance  
   22.     Meaning of person in charge  


           Division 1--Introduction

   23.     Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Constitutional and international law provisions

   24.     Severability  
   25.     Application of this Act in relation to pests that are quarantine risks or invasive pests  
   26.     Application of this Act in relation to invasive pests  
   27.     Compensation for acquisition of property  
   28.     Freedom of interstate trade, commerce and intercourse  
   29.     Commonwealth not to give preference  
   30.     Application of this Act to foreign aircraft and vessels  


   31.     Simplified outline of this Part  
   32.     The principles  

CHAPTER 2--Managing biosecurity risks: human health


           Division 1--Introduction

   33.     Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Protections

              Subdivision A--General protections

   34.     The principles  
   35.     No interference with urgent or life - threatening medical needs  

              Subdivision B--Protections for children or incapable persons

   36.     Child or incapable person may be accompanied  
   37.     Officer to contact parent, guardian or next of kin of unaccompanied child or incapable person  
   38.     Requirement to comply with direction  
   39.     Parent, guardian or next of kin may authorise person to accompany child or incapable person  
   40.     Giving consent  
   41.     Exception for requiring an individual to remain at a place  

           Division 3--Listing human diseases

   42.     Listing human diseases  


           Division 1--Introduction

   43.     Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Entry and exit requirements

   44.     Entry requirements  
   45.     Exit requirements  
   46.     Civil penalties for failing to comply with certain entry and exit requirements  

           Division 3--Contact information for operators

   47.     Requirements for operators to provide 24/7 contact information  

           Division 4--Pratique

   48.     Positive pratique  
   49.     Negative pratique  
   50.     Pre - departure reporting  

           Division 5--Preventative biosecurity measures

   51.     Determining preventative biosecurity measures  
   52.     Civil penalty for failing to comply with a preventative biosecurity measure  

           Division 6--Information gathering powers

   54.     Who may ask questions and require written information  
   55.     Asking questions and requiring answers from particular individuals  
   56.     Asking questions and requiring answers from any individual  
   57.     Requiring an individual to provide written information  
   58.     Offence for failing to comply with a requirement  


           Division 1--Introduction

   59.     Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Imposing human biosecurity control orders on individuals

              Subdivision A--Imposing, varying and revoking human biosecurity control orders

   60.     Imposing a human biosecurity control order on an individual  
   61.     Contents of a human biosecurity control order  
   62.     Form of a human biosecurity control order  
   63.     Giving a human biosecurity control order to an individual  
   64.     Varying a human biosecurity control order  
   65.     Giving notice of a variation of a human biosecurity control order  
   66.     Revoking a human biosecurity control order  
   67.     Notifying Director of Human Biosecurity of imposition, variation or revocation of human biosecurity control order  

              Subdivision B--Powers if officer intends to impose human biosecurity control order

   68.     Requiring an individual to remain at a place  
   69.     Providing contact information  
   70.     Requirement for an individual to notify changes to contact information  

              Subdivision C--When an individual is required to comply with a biosecurity measure

   71.     Consenting to a biosecurity measure  
   72.     Director of Human Biosecurity may give direction requiring compliance  
   73.     When direction to comply with biosecurity measure ceases to be in force  
   74.     When individual is required to comply with a biosecurity measure  

              Subdivision D--AAT review of isolation and traveller movement measures

   75.     Obligation on Director of Human Biosecurity relating to Administrative Appeals Tribunal application  
   76.     Applications  
   77.     Reasons and documents  
   78.     Time period for making a decision  
   79.     Limitation on Administrative Appeals Tribunal power to stay etc. decisions  

              Subdivision E--Other provisions relating to external review of isolation and traveller movement measures

   80.     Time period for making applications under the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977  
   81.     Judicial review of isolation and traveller movement measures  

           Division 3--Biosecurity measures that may be included in a human biosecurity control order

              Subdivision A--General provisions relating to including biosecurity measures in a human biosecurity control order

   82.     Who can include a biosecurity measure in a human biosecurity control order  
   83.     Informing individual of risks  
   84.     Test for including a biosecurity measure in a human biosecurity control order  

              Subdivision B--Biosecurity measures that may be included in a human biosecurity control order

   85.     Managing contacts  
   86.     Contacting officer with health status  
   87.     Restricting behaviour  
   88.     Risk minimisation interventions  
   89.     Decontamination  
   90.     Undergoing an examination  
   91.     Requiring body samples for diagnosis  
   92.     Receiving a vaccination or treatment  
   93.     Receiving medication  
   94.     Appropriate medical or other standards to be applied  
   95.     No use of force to require compliance with certain biosecurity measures  
   96.     Traveller movement measure  
   97.     Isolation measure  

              Subdivision C--Provisions relating to traveller movement measures

   98.     Traveller movement measure alert  
   99.     Content of traveller movement measure alert  
   100.    Destruction of traveller movement measure alert  
   101.    Prevention from leaving Australian territory  

           Division 4--Other provisions relating to human biosecurity control orders

              Subdivision A--Consular assistance

   102.    Consular assistance  

              Subdivision B--Detention

   103.    Detention  
   104.    Rules relating to detention  
   105.    Release from detention  
   106.    Offence for escaping from detention  

              Subdivision C--Miscellaneous

   107.    Offence for failing to comply with a human biosecurity control order  
   108.    Expenses incurred in complying with human biosecurity control orders  


           Division 1--Introduction

   109.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Managing deceased individuals

   110.    Human remains brought into Australian territory  
   111.    Officer may give directions for managing human remains  
   112.    Individuals who have died in transit or on arrival  

           Division 3--Human health response zones

   113.    Determining human health response zones  
   114.    Consultation requirements  
   115.    Notification requirements  
   116.    Civil penalty for failing to comply with a requirement of a human health response zone determination  

CHAPTER 3--Managing biosecurity risks: goods


           Division 1--Introduction

   117.    Simplified outline of this Part  
   118.    Objects of this Part  

           Division 2--Goods are subject to biosecurity control

   119.    Goods brought into Australian territory are subject to biosecurity control  

           Division 3--Notice of goods to be unloaded in Australian territory

   120.    Notice must be given of goods to be unloaded in Australian territory  
   121.    Notice of goods to be unloaded in Australian territory--requirement to give additional or corrected information  
   122.    Power to obtain extra information relating to goods covered by a notice under section 120  

           Division 4--Assessment of level of biosecurity risk

   123.    Biosecurity risk assessment powers  
   124.    Direction to secure goods  
   125.    Inspecting goods and taking samples  
   126.    Asking questions about goods  
   127.    Requiring documents relating to goods to be produced  
   128.    Movement of goods  
   129.    Biosecurity control notice may be affixed to goods or given to person in charge of goods  
   130.    Unauthorised persons must not move etc. goods in relation to which direction has been given or notice has been affixed  

           Division 5--Biosecurity measures to manage unacceptable level of biosecurity risk

   131.    Biosecurity measures may be required in relation to goods  
   132.    Movement of goods  
   133.    Treatment of goods  
   134.    Treatment that is likely to damage goods  
   135.    Export of goods  
   136.    Destruction of goods  
   137.    Regulations may provide for other biosecurity measures  
   138.    Powers of biosecurity officer if biosecurity measures are required  
   139.    Biosecurity officer may affix notice to goods  
   140.    Person must comply with direction to take biosecurity measures  
   141.    Unauthorised persons must not move etc. goods to which notice has been affixed  

           Division 6--Unloading goods at landing places or ports

   142.    Application of this Division  
   143.    Person in charge may allow goods to be unloaded from aircraft or vessel subject to direction etc.  
   144.    Person may unload goods from aircraft or vessel subject to direction etc.  
   145.    Goods must not be unloaded except at first point of entry for those goods or with permission  
   146.    Permission to unload goods at landing place or port other than first point of entry for those goods  
   147.    Goods must be brought to biosecurity entry point for those goods at first point of entry  
   148.    Permission to bring goods to alternative biosecurity entry point  
   149.    Receiving or possessing goods unloaded from aircraft or vessel in contravention of this Division  

           Division 7--Unloading goods from vessel displaying prescribed quarantine signal

   150.    Application of this Division  
   151.    Unloading goods from vessel displaying prescribed quarantine signal  
   152.    Receiving or possessing goods unloaded from vessel displaying prescribed quarantine signal  

           Division 8--Reporting biosecurity incidents

   153.    Application of this Division  
   154.    Director of Biosecurity may determine acts, omissions or events to be reportable biosecurity incidents  
   155.    Reporting by person in charge of aircraft or vessel carrying goods  
   156.    Reporting by person in charge of goods  
   157.    How reports must be made  

           Division 9--Goods exposed to goods that are subject to biosecurity control

   158.    Application of this Division  
   159.    Assessment and management of biosecurity risk associated with exposed goods  
   160.    Exposed goods orders  
   161.    Effect of exposed goods order  

           Division 10--Release of goods from biosecurity control

   162.    When goods brought into Australian territory are released from biosecurity control  
   163.    Notice releasing goods from biosecurity control  
   164.    Revoking notice or declaration releasing goods from biosecurity control  


           Division 1--Introduction

   165.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Biosecurity Import Risk Analyses

   166.    What is a Biosecurity Import Risk Analysis (BIRA)  
   167.    Director of Biosecurity may conduct a BIRA  
   168.    Agriculture Minister may direct Director of Biosecurity to commence a BIRA  
   169.    Process for conducting a BIRA  
   170.    Reports  


           Division 1--Introduction

   171.    Simplified outline of this Part  
   172.    Exclusion of State and Territory laws  

           Division 2--Prohibited goods and conditionally non-prohibited goods

   173.    Prohibited goods  
   174.    Conditionally non - prohibited goods  
   175.    Security may be required in relation to conditionally non - prohibited goods  

           Division 3--Permits to bring or import goods into Australian territory

   176.    Application of this Division  
   177.    Person may apply for permit  
   178.    Dealing with application  
   179.    Director of Biosecurity may grant permit  
   180.    Conditions of permit  
   181.    Variation, suspension or revocation of permit  

           Division 4--Suspended goods

   182.    Director of Biosecurity may suspend bringing or importation of goods into Australian territory for a period  
   183.    Variation of determination suspending bringing or importation of goods into Australian territory  
   184.    Effect on permit of suspended goods determination  

           Division 5--Offences and civil penalty provisions

   185.    Bringing or importing prohibited or suspended goods into Australian territory  
   186.    Contravening conditions applying to conditionally non - prohibited goods brought or imported into Australian territory  
   186A.   Contravening conditions applying to conditionally non - prohibited goods brought or imported into Australian territory--concealment of goods  
   187.    Contravening conditions of a permit  
   188.    Receiving or possessing prohibited or suspended goods brought or imported into Australian territory  

CHAPTER 4--Managing biosecurity risks: conveyances


   189.    Objects of this Chapter  


           Division 1--Introduction

   190.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Conveyances that are subject to biosecurity control

   191.    Aircraft and vessels entering Australian territory  
   192.    Conveyances exposed to other conveyances that are subject to biosecurity control  

           Division 3--Pre-arrival reporting etc.

   193.    Pre - arrival reporting  
   194.    Pre - arrival reporting--requirement to give more information  
   195.    Power to obtain extra information relating to an aircraft or vessel covered by a pre - arrival report  
   196.    Persons on incoming aircraft or vessel may be required to provide information or travel documents to assess biosecurity risk  

           Division 3A--Entry requirements: persons entering Australian territory on board conveyances

   196A.   Persons on incoming aircraft or vessel may be subject to requirements relating to diseases or pests  
   196B.   Varying and revoking requirements  
   196C.   Civil penalty for failing to comply with requirement  

           Division 4--Assessment of level of biosecurity risk associated with conveyances

   197.    Biosecurity risk assessment powers  
   198.    Securing conveyance  
   199.    Inspecting conveyance  
   200.    Asking questions about conveyance  
   201.    Requiring documents relating to conveyance to be produced  
   202.    Movement of conveyance  
   203.    Biosecurity control notice may be affixed to conveyance or given to person in charge of conveyance  
   204.    Unauthorised persons must not move etc. conveyance in relation to which direction has been given  

           Division 5--Biosecurity measures to manage unacceptable level of biosecurity risk associated with conveyances

   204A.   Requirements to destroy vectors on incoming or outgoing aircraft or vessels  
   205.    Biosecurity measures may be required in relation to conveyance  
   206.    Movement of certain aircraft and vessels  
   207.    Movement of exposed conveyances  
   208.    Treatment of conveyance  
   209.    Treatment that is likely to damage conveyance  
   210.    Destruction of conveyance  
   211.    Conveyance must not be destroyed during review period  
   212.    Regulations may provide for other biosecurity measures  
   213.    Powers of biosecurity officer if biosecurity measures are required  
   214.    Biosecurity officer may affix notice to conveyance  
   215.    Person must comply with direction to take biosecurity measures  
   216.    Unauthorised persons must not move etc. conveyance in relation to which biosecurity measures have been required  

           Division 6--Leaving conveyances

   217.    Person in charge of conveyance may leave conveyance unless directed not to do so  

           Division 7--Release of conveyances from biosecurity control

   218.    When conveyance is released from biosecurity control  
   219.    Notice releasing conveyance from biosecurity control  

           Division 8--Miscellaneous

   220.    Information about biosecurity requirements must be given to persons on board incoming aircraft or vessels  
   221.    Quarantine signal  


           Division 1--Introduction

   222.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--First points of entry and biosecurity entry points for incoming aircraft and goods

   223.    Determination of landing places that are first points of entry for aircraft or goods that are subject to biosecurity control  
   224.    Biosecurity entry points for aircraft and goods that are subject to biosecurity control  
   225.    Determination may be subject to conditions  
   226.    Determination may have effect for specified period  
   227.    Variation and revocation of determination etc.  
   228.    Determination is a legislative instrument  

           Division 3--First points of entry and biosecurity entry points for incoming vessels and goods

   229.    Determination of ports that are first points of entry for vessels or goods that are subject to biosecurity control  
   230.    Biosecurity entry points for vessels and goods that are subject to biosecurity control  
   231.    Determination may be subject to conditions  
   232.    Determination may have effect for specified period  
   233.    Variation and revocation of determination etc.  
   234.    Determination is a legislative instrument  


           Division 1--Introduction

   235.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Entry points for aircraft that intend to land in Australian territory

   236.    Application of this Division  
   237.    Aircraft must land at first point of entry  
   238.    Aircraft must be brought to relevant biosecurity entry point (if any) at first point of entry  
   239.    Permission for aircraft to land at landing place that is not first point of entry for aircraft  
   240.    Direction requiring aircraft to land, or not to land, at specified landing place  
   241.    Direction requiring aircraft not to land at any landing place in Australian territory  
   242.    Direction requiring aircraft to land, or not to land, at specified landing place--management of human health risks  
   243.    Person who is given direction must comply with it  

           Division 3--Entry points for vessels that intend to be moored in Australian territory

   244.    Application of this Division  
   245.    Vessel must be moored at first point of entry  
   246.    Vessel must be brought to relevant biosecurity entry point (if any) at first point of entry  
   247.    Permission for vessel to be moored at port that is not first point of entry for vessel  
   248.    Direction requiring vessel to be moored, or not to be moored, at specified port  
   249.    Direction requiring vessel not to be moored at any port in Australian territory  
   250.    Direction requiring vessel to be moored, or not to be moored, at specified port--management of human health risks  
   251.    Person who is given direction must comply with it  

           Division 4--Miscellaneous

   252.    Biosecurity officer etc. may enter landing places or ports  
   252A.   Direction to operator of first point of entry to carry out activities to control vectors  


           Division 1--Introduction

   253.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Ship sanitation

   254.    Application of this Division  
   255.    Regulations may prescribe scheme in relation to ship sanitation  
   256.    Declaring ports at which vessels may be inspected for the purposes of the scheme  
   257.    Assessing and managing sanitation health risks  

CHAPTER 5--Ballast water and sediment


           Division 1--Introduction

   258.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Application and interpretation

   259.    Extension of Chapter to every external Territory  
   260.    Vessels in dry dock in Australia  
   261.    Foreign vessels and the Australian Antarctic Territory  
   262.    References to the person in charge of a vessel do not include persons exercising certain powers  
   263.    Permanent ballast water in sealed tanks not subject to this Chapter  
   263A.   Warships, naval auxiliary or other vessels owned or operated by the Australian government or the government of a foreign country  
   264.    Relationship with other Commonwealth laws  
   265.    Relationship with State and Territory laws  


           Division 1--Introduction

   266.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Reporting ballast water discharges

   267.    Reporting ballast water discharges in Australian territorial seas  
   268.    Reporting ballast water discharges in Australian territorial seas--requirement to give additional or corrected information  


           Division 1--Introduction

   269.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Offence of discharging ballast water

   270.    Offence--discharging ballast water  

           Division 3--Exceptions: ballast water management

              Subdivision A--Exception

   271.    Exception--ballast water has been managed for discharge  

              Subdivision B--Methods of ballast water management

   272.    Approved method of ballast water management  
   273.    Method of ballast water management--application for approval  
   274.    Method of ballast water management--approval of method approved by foreign country  

              Subdivision C--Ballast water exchange

   275.    Management by ballast water exchange  

           Division 4--Exception: discharge as part of acceptable ballast water exchange

   276.    Exception--discharge as part of acceptable ballast water exchange  

           Division 5--Exception: approved discharge to ballast water reception facility

   277.    Exception--approved discharge to ballast water reception facility  
   278.    Discharge to ballast water reception facility--application for approval  

           Division 6--Exception: discharge covered by exemption

   278A.   Exception--discharge covered by prescribed conditions  
   279.    Exception--discharge covered by exemption  
   280.    Director of Biosecurity may grant exemptions  
   281.    Variation and revocation of exemption  

           Division 7--Exception: taking up and discharging ballast water at same place

   282.    Exception--taking up and discharging ballast water at same place  

           Division 8--Exceptions and reporting requirements relating to safety, accidents and pollution

   283.    Exceptions--safety, accidents and pollution  
   284.    Report of discharge relating to safety, accident or pollution  


           Division 1--Introduction

   285.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 1A--General requirement to have ballast water management plan and certificate

   285A.   Vessels to have a ballast water management plan and certificate  
   285B.   Scheme to provide further exemptions from requirement to have a ballast water management plan and certificate  
   285C.   Offence for failing to have a ballast water management plan or certificate  

           Division 2--Ballast water management plans

   286.    Ballast water management plan  
   287.    Approval of ballast water management plans for vessels  

           Division 3--Ballast water management certificates

   288.    Ballast water management certificate  
   290.    Issue or endorsement etc. of ballast water management certificate on behalf of the Commonwealth  

           Division 4--Survey authorities

   290A.   Director of Biosecurity may authorise person to be survey authority  


           Division 1--Introduction

   291.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Ballast water records

   292.    Vessels must have a ballast water record system  
   293.    Recording ballast water operations and disposal of sediment  
   294.    Records must be retained  
   295.    Appropriate ballast water records for vessels  


           Division 1--Introduction

   297.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Offence of disposing of sediment

   298.    Offence--disposing of sediment  
   299.    Exceptions--safety, accidents and pollution  
   299A.   Report of disposal of sediment relating to safety, accident or pollution  


           Division 1--Introduction

   300.    Simplified outline of this Part  
   300A.   Purpose and location of exercise of powers  

           Division 2--Powers in relation to vessels

   300B.   Securing vessels  
   300C.   Inspecting and taking samples from vessels  
   300D.   Asking questions about vessels  
   301.    Power to require owner of vessel to provide ballast water records  

           Division 3--Directions powers

   302.    Directions not to discharge ballast water  
   303.    Directions about movement of vessel  
   304.    Directions about movement of vessel--variation or revocation  
   304A.   Report on failure to comply with direction  
   305.    Offence--contravening a direction  
   306.    Manner of giving directions etc.  


   307.    Compensation for undue detention or delay of vessel  
   308.    Prescribing matters by reference to other instruments  
   308A.   Determination  

CHAPTER 6--Managing biosecurity risks: monitoring, control and response


   309.    Simplified outline of this Part  
   310.    Modified meaning of biosecurity risk  
   311.    Objects of this Chapter  
   312.    Application of this Chapter  


           Division 1--Introduction

   312A.   Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Information-gathering powers

   312B.   Requirement to notify of information about goods that have become suspended goods  
   312C.   Requirement to notify of information about goods that have become prohibited goods  
   312D.   Information - gathering powers relating to prohibited goods, suspended goods and certain conditionally non - prohibited goods  
   312E.   Asking questions about goods  
   312F.   Requiring documents relating to goods to be produced  


           Division 1--Introduction

   313.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Circumstances in which biosecurity risk assessment powers may be exercised

   314.    Reasonable suspicion that disease or pest may pose unacceptable level of biosecurity risk  
   315.    Exercise of biosecurity risk assessment powers in premises  

           Division 3--Biosecurity risk assessment powers

   316.    Application of this Division  
   317.    Direction to secure goods or conveyance  
   318.    Inspections and taking samples of goods or premises  
   319.    Asking questions about goods or premises  
   320.    Requiring documents relating to goods or premises to be produced  
   321.    Movement of goods or conveyance  
   322.    Biosecurity officer may affix notice to goods or conveyance  
   323.    Unauthorised persons must not move etc. goods or conveyance to which notice has been affixed  
   324.    Operating electronic equipment on premises  
   325.    Expert assistance to operate electronic equipment  
   326.    Compensation for damage to electronic equipment  

           Division 4--Offences

   327.    Contravention of direction  
   328.    Contravention of requirement to answer questions etc.  
   329.    Contravention of requirement to produce documents  
   330.    Unauthorised persons must not move etc. goods or conveyance to which notice has been affixed  


           Division 1--Introduction

   331.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Powers that may be exercised: general

              Subdivision A--Circumstances in which powers may be exercised

   332.    Circumstances in which powers set out in this Division may be exercised  

              Subdivision B--Powers relating to entry to and exit from premises

   333.    Entry and exit etc. requirements--persons  
   334.    Entry and exit etc. requirements--goods and conveyances  

              Subdivision C--Powers relating to treatment of goods, conveyances and other premises

   335.    Treatment of goods  
   336.    Treatment that may damage goods  
   337.    Treatment of conveyance  
   338.    Treatment that may damage conveyance  
   339.    Treatment of premises (other than a conveyance)  
   340.    Treatment that may damage premises (other than a conveyance)  
   341.    Dealing with premises (other than a conveyance) if owner does not agree to treatment etc.  

              Subdivision D--Powers relating to destruction of goods, conveyances and other premises

   342.    Destruction of goods  
   343.    Destruction of conveyance  
   344.    Destruction of premises  
   345.    High - value goods, conveyances or premises must not be destroyed during review period  

           Division 3--Powers provided by regulations

   346.     Regulations may provide for other biosecurity measures  

           Division 4--Other powers

   347.    Powers of biosecurity officer if biosecurity measures are required  
   348.    Biosecurity officer may affix notice to goods or premises  

           Division 5--Offences and civil penalty provisions

   349.    Contravention of requirement relating to entering or leaving etc. premises  
   350.    Person must comply with direction  
   351.    Unauthorised persons must not move etc. goods or conveyance to which notice has been affixed  


           Division 1--Introduction

   352.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Making, varying and revoking biosecurity control orders

   353.    Director of Biosecurity may make biosecurity control order to manage unacceptable level of biosecurity risk  
   354.    Content of a biosecurity control order  
   355.    Form of biosecurity control order  
   356.    Biosecurity control order to be given to person in charge etc. of goods or premises or affixed to goods or premises  
   357.    Circumstances in which biosecurity control order ceases to be in force  
   358.    Variation of biosecurity control order  
   359.    Revocation of biosecurity control order  

           Division 3--Powers that may be exercised under biosecurity control order

   360.    Powers that may be exercised--general  
   361.    Exercise of powers in premises  
   362.    Power to secure goods or premises to deal with another disease or pest  

           Division 4--Civil penalty provision

   363.    Unauthorised persons must not interfere with etc. biosecurity control order affixed to goods or premises  


           Division 1--Introduction

   364.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Biosecurity response zone determinations

   365.    Director of Biosecurity may determine biosecurity response zone  
   366.    Content of a biosecurity response zone determination  
   367.    Additional powers that may be specified in a biosecurity response zone determination  
   368.    Consultation requirements  
   369.    Notification requirements  

           Division 3--Powers that may be exercised in biosecurity response zones

   370.    Powers that may be exercised--general  
   371.    Exercise of powers in premises  
   372.    Power to secure goods or premises to deal with another disease or pest  

           Division 4--Offences and civil penalty provisions

   373.    Unauthorised persons must not interfere with etc. notices or markings identifying biosecurity response zone  
   374.    Unauthorised persons must not interfere with etc. notices or markings identifying goods or premises in a biosecurity response zone  
   375.    Person must comply with direction  
   376.    Unauthorised persons must not interfere with etc. equipment etc. set up in biosecurity response zone  


           Division 1--Introduction

   377.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Permanent biosecurity monitoring zones

              Subdivision A--Areas that are permanent biosecurity monitoring zones

   378.    Permanent biosecurity monitoring zones  

              Subdivision B--Powers that may be exercised in permanent biosecurity monitoring zones

   379.    Powers that may be exercised--general  
   380.    Exercise of powers in premises  

              Subdivision C--Civil penalty provisions

   381.    Unauthorised persons must not interfere with etc. notices or markings identifying permanent biosecurity monitoring zone  
   382.    Unauthorised persons must not interfere with etc. notices or markings identifying goods or premises in a permanent biosecurity monitoring zone  
   383.    Unauthorised persons must not interfere with etc. equipment etc. set up in permanent biosecurity monitoring zone  

           Division 3--Temporary biosecurity monitoring zones

              Subdivision A--Temporary biosecurity monitoring zone determinations

   384.    Director of Biosecurity may determine temporary biosecurity monitoring zone  
   385.    Content of a temporary biosecurity monitoring zone determination  
   386.    Additional powers that may be specified in a temporary biosecurity monitoring zone determination  
   387.    Consultation requirements  
   388.    Notification requirements  

              Subdivision B--Powers that may be exercised in temporary biosecurity monitoring zones

   389.    Powers that may be exercised--general  
   390.    Exercise of powers in premises  

              Subdivision C--Civil penalty provisions

   391.    Unauthorised persons must not interfere with etc. notices or markings identifying temporary biosecurity monitoring zone  
   392.    Unauthorised persons must not interfere with etc. notices or markings identifying goods or premises in temporary biosecurity monitoring zone  
   393.    Unauthorised persons must not interfere with etc. equipment etc. set up in temporary biosecurity monitoring zone  


           Division 1--Introduction

   393A.   Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Preventative biosecurity measures

   393B.   Determining preventative biosecurity measures  
   393C.   Civil penalty for failing to comply with a preventative biosecurity measure  


           Division 1--Introduction

   394.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Biosecurity activity zone determinations

   395.    Director of Biosecurity may determine biosecurity activity zone  
   396.    Consultation requirements  
   397.    Notification requirements  
   398.    Revocation of biosecurity activity zone determination  

           Division 3--Powers that may be exercised in biosecurity activity zones

   399.    Powers that may be exercised  
   400.    Use of force  

           Division 4--Offences and civil penalty provisions

   401.    Unauthorised persons must not interfere with etc. notices or markings identifying biosecurity activity zone  
   402.    Unauthorised persons must not interfere with etc. notices or markings identifying goods or premises in a biosecurity activity zone  
   403.    Person must comply with direction  

CHAPTER 7--Approved arrangements


   404.    Simplified outline of this Chapter  


   405.    Person may apply to relevant Director for approval of proposed arrangement to carry out biosecurity activities  
   406.    Relevant Director must decide whether or not to approve proposed arrangement  
   407.    Proposed arrangement may be approved subject to condition requiring security to be given  
   408.    Notice of decision  
   409.    Duration of approved arrangement  
   410.    Restrictions on applications for approval of proposed arrangements etc.  
   411.    Transfer of approved arrangement  


           Division 1--Application by biosecurity industry participant

   412.    Application for approval of varied arrangement  

           Division 2--Variation required by relevant Director

   413.    Relevant Director may vary or require variation of approved arrangement  
   414.    Notice varying conditions of approved arrangement  
   415.    Date of effect of variation of conditions of approved arrangement  
   416.    Notice requiring approved arrangement to be varied  


           Division 1--Suspension requested by biosecurity industry participant

   417.    Biosecurity industry participant may request relevant Director to suspend all or part of approved arrangement  

           Division 2--Suspension by relevant Director

   418.    Relevant Director may suspend approved arrangement  
   419.    Notice of suspension  
   420.    Period of suspension  

           Division 3--Management of biosecurity risks during suspension

   421.    Management of biosecurity risks during suspension  


           Division 1--Revocation requested by biosecurity industry participant

   422.    Biosecurity industry participant may request relevant Director to revoke approved arrangement  

           Division 2--Revocation by relevant Director

   423.    Relevant Director may revoke approved arrangement  
   424.    Notice of revocation  
   425.    Date of effect of revocation  

           Division 3--Management of biosecurity risks after revocation or expiry of approved arrangement

   426.    Management of biosecurity risks after revocation or expiry of approved arrangement  


           Division 1--General

   427.    Authorisation to carry out biosecurity activities in accordance with approved arrangement  
   428.    Biosecurity industry participant must carry out biosecurity activities in accordance with approved arrangement etc.  
   429.    Biosecurity officer may give direction to biosecurity industry participant to manage biosecurity risks  
   430.    Biosecurity industry participant may charge fee in relation to biosecurity activities carried out  

           Division 2--Biosecurity incidents

   431.    Reporting biosecurity incidents  
   432.    Costs of dealing with biosecurity incidents  


           Division 1--Applications for approval

   433.    Applications to which this Division applies  
   434.    Requirements for applications  
   435.    Dealing with applications  

           Division 1A--Notice of proposed variation, suspension or revocation

   435A.   Notice of proposed variation, suspension or revocation  

           Division 2--Audit powers

   436.    Relevant Director may require audit to be carried out  
   437.    Powers of auditors  

           Division 3--Miscellaneous

   438.    Giving false or misleading information to a biosecurity industry participant  
   439.    Giving false or misleading documents to a biosecurity industry participant  
   440.    Obstruction or hindrance of person acting in accordance with approved arrangement  
   441.    Protection from civil proceedings  

CHAPTER 8--Biosecurity emergencies and human biosecurity emergencies


           Division 1--Introduction

   442.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Declaration of biosecurity emergency

   443.    Governor - General may declare that a biosecurity emergency exists  
   444.    Governor - General may extend biosecurity emergency period  

           Division 3--Emergency requirements, directions and actions

   445.    Agriculture Minister may determine emergency requirements during biosecurity emergencies  
   446.    Agriculture Minister may give directions and take actions during biosecurity emergencies  
   447.    Limits on power to give directions and take actions  
   448.    Limit on requiring individuals to be subject to certain biosecurity measures  
   449.    Person must comply with emergency requirements and directions  
   450.    Asking questions relating to biosecurity emergencies  
   451.    Requiring documents relating to biosecurity emergencies  

           Division 4--National response agencies

   452.    Agriculture Minister may declare national response agency  
   453.    Agriculture Minister may delegate certain emergency powers  
   454.    Executive head of national response agency may subdelegate certain emergency powers  
   455.    Delegation does not limit other powers  
   456.    Notice may be affixed to goods or a conveyance  
   457.    Moving or interfering with goods or conveyance  

           Division 5--Exercise of powers during biosecurity emergencies

   458.    Modification of this Act during biosecurity emergencies  
   459.    Biosecurity risk assessment powers  
   460.    Application of offences during emergencies  
   461.    Biosecurity control orders--making orders  
   462.    Biosecurity control orders--varying orders  
   463.    Biosecurity control orders--revoking orders  
   464.    Modification of Part 4 of Chapter 6 in relation to biosecurity control orders  
   465.    Biosecurity response zones  
   466.    Setting traps and setting up equipment and other structures  
   467.    Notice requirements during biosecurity emergencies  
   468.    Other biosecurity measures during biosecurity emergencies  
   469.    Merits review during biosecurity emergencies  

           Division 6--Entry to premises without warrant or consent during biosecurity emergencies

   470.    Entry to premises without warrant or consent during biosecurity emergencies  
   471.    Modification of Chapter 6  
   472.    Entry to adjacent premises without warrant or consent during biosecurity emergencies  


           Division 1--Introduction

   473.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Human biosecurity emergency powers

   474.    Health Minister to exercise human biosecurity emergency powers personally  
   475.    Governor - General may declare that a human biosecurity emergency exists  
   476.    Governor - General may extend a human biosecurity emergency period  
   477.    Health Minister may determine emergency requirements during human biosecurity emergency period  
   478.    Health Minister may give directions during human biosecurity emergency period  
   479.    Person must comply with emergency requirements and directions  

CHAPTER 9--Compliance and enforcement


           Division 1--Introduction

   480.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Monitoring under Part 2 of the Regulatory Powers Act

   481.    Basic monitoring powers under Part 2 of the Regulatory Powers Act  
   482.    Modifications of Part 2 of the Regulatory Powers Act  


           Division 1--Introduction

   483.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Investigating under Part 3 of the Regulatory Powers Act

   484.    Basic investigation powers under Part 3 of the Regulatory Powers Act  
   485.    Modifications of Part 3 of the Regulatory Powers Act  


           Division 1--Introduction

   486.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Issue of warrants

              Subdivision A--Ordinary issue of warrants

   487.    Warrants this Subdivision applies to  
   488.    Application and issue of warrant  
   489.    Test to be met for issue of warrant  
   490.    Content of warrant  

              Subdivision B--Issue of certain warrants by telephone, fax etc.

   491.    Application of this Subdivision to certain warrants  
   492.    Issue of certain warrants by telephone, fax etc.  
   493.    Authority of warrant  
   494.    Fault - based offence relating to warrants by telephone, fax etc.  

           Division 3--Executing warrants relating to aircraft or vessels

   495.    Executing warrants relating to aircraft or vessels  


           Division 1--Introduction

   496.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Entering adjacent premises to gain access to other premises

   497.    Meaning of premises  
   498.    Entering adjacent premises to gain access to other premises  
   499.    Entry under adjacent premises warrants  

           Division 3--Obligations and powers of biosecurity enforcement officers

              Subdivision A--Obligations relating to consent

   500.    Consent  

              Subdivision B--Obligations and powers relating to warrants

   501.    Warrants this Subdivision applies to  
   502.    Announcement before execution of warrant  
   503.    Biosecurity enforcement officer to be in possession of warrant  
   504.    Details of warrant etc. to be provided  
   505.    Use of force in executing a warrant  

           Division 4--Appropriate person's rights and responsibilities relating to warrants

   506.    Warrants this Division applies to  
   507.    Appropriate person's right to observe execution of warrant  
   508.    Appropriate person to provide facilities and assistance  


           Division 1--Introduction

   509.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Monitoring and searching relevant premises

   510.    Meaning of relevant premises  
   511.    Monitoring relevant premises  
   512.    Offence - related searches and seizures  

           Division 3--Powers, rights and responsibilities relating to entry

              Subdivision A--Application of this Division

   513.    Application of this Division  

              Subdivision B--Obligations and powers of biosecurity enforcement officers in entering premises

   514.    Announcement before entry  
   515.    Use of force in entering premises  

              Subdivision C--Appropriate person's rights and responsibilities on entry

   516.    Appropriate person is entitled to observe exercise of powers  
   517.    Appropriate person to provide officers etc. with facilities and assistance  


           Division 1--Introduction

   518.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Civil penalties under Part 4 of the Regulatory Powers Act

   519.    Basic operation of civil penalties under Part 4 of the Regulatory Powers Act  
   520.    Modifications of Part 4 of the Regulatory Powers Act  

           Division 3--Civil penalties for executive officers of bodies corporate

   521.    Civil penalties for executive officers of bodies corporate  


           Division 1--Introduction

   522.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Infringement notices under Part 5 of the Regulatory Powers Act

   523.    Basic provisions for infringement notices under Part 5 of the Regulatory Powers Act  
   524.    Modifications of Part 5 of the Regulatory Powers Act  
   524A.   Director of Biosecurity may determine list of goods for purposes of infringement notices  


           Division 1--Introduction

   525.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Accepting and enforcing undertakings under Part 6 of the Regulatory Powers Act

   526.    Enforceable undertakings  


           Division 1--Introduction

   527.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Injunctions under Part 7 of the Regulatory Powers Act

   528.    Injunctions  


           Division 1--Introduction

   529.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Fit and proper person test

   530.    Fit and proper person test  

           Division 3--Personal information for applications

   531.    Personal information for applications  

           Division 4--Civil penalty provisions for false or misleading information or documents

   532.    Civil penalty provision for false or misleading information  
   533.    Civil penalty provision for false or misleading documents  

           Division 5--General rules about offences and civil penalty provisions

   534.    Physical elements of offences  
   535.    Contravening offence and civil penalty provisions  

           Division 6--Miscellaneous

   536.    Persons assisting biosecurity officers or biosecurity enforcement officers  
   537.    Powers of issuing officers  
   538.    Judicial review of directions to secure goods or conveyances  

CHAPTER 10--Governance and officials


   539.    Simplified outline of this Chapter  


   540.    Director of Biosecurity  
   541.    Functions and powers of Director of Biosecurity  
   541A.   Power to arrange for certain decisions to be made by computer programs  
   542.    Delegation and subdelegation  
   543.    Agriculture Minister may give general directions to Director of Biosecurity  


   544.    Director of Human Biosecurity  
   544A.   Delegation of Director's functions or powers relating to human biosecurity control orders  


           Division 1--Authorisation

              Subdivision A--Authorisation by Director of Biosecurity

   545.    Authorisation by Director of Biosecurity of persons as biosecurity officers  
   546.    Authorisation by Director of Biosecurity of persons as biosecurity enforcement officers  
   547.    Arrangements for State or Territory officers or employees to be biosecurity officers or biosecurity enforcement officers  

              Subdivision B--Authorisation by Director of Human Biosecurity

   548.    Authorisation by Director of Human Biosecurity of persons as biosecurity enforcement officers  
   549.    Arrangements for State or Territory officers or employees to be biosecurity enforcement officers  

           Division 2--Functions and powers

              Subdivision A--General

   550.    Functions and powers of biosecurity officers  
   551.    Functions and powers of biosecurity enforcement officers  
   552.    Directions to assist persons performing functions etc. under this Act  
   553.    Biosecurity officers and biosecurity enforcement officers may be assisted by animals  
   554.    Carrying out tests on samples  
   555.    Biosecurity officer may direct person in charge of conveyance to permit biosecurity officer to board  
   556.    Powers that may be exercised by biosecurity officer after boarding a conveyance  
   557.    Biosecurity officer may give permission to engage in certain conduct  

              Subdivision B--Decontamination

   558.    Decontaminating an individual  
   559.    Direction to individual to be decontaminated  
   560.    Decontaminating clothing and personal effects  
   561.    Other protections in relation to decontamination  


           Division 1--Authorisation

   562.    Authorisation of chief human biosecurity officers  
   563.    Authorisation of human biosecurity officers  
   564.    Arrangements for State or Territory officers or employees to be chief human biosecurity officers or human biosecurity officers  

           Division 2--Functions and powers

   565.    Functions and powers of chief human biosecurity officers  
   566.    Functions and powers of human biosecurity officers  


           Division 1--Inspector-General of Biosecurity

   566A.   Inspector - General of Biosecurity  
   566B.   Term of office  
   566C.   Remuneration  
   566D.   Leave of absence for full - time Inspector - General  
   566E.   Engaging in other paid employment  
   566F.   Other terms and conditions  
   566G.   Resignation  
   566H.   Termination of appointment  
   566J.   Acting appointments  

           Division 2--Reviews by the Inspector-General

   567.    Inspector - General may review administration of provisions  
   568.    Inspector - General may require information etc. for review  


   569.    Identity cards--biosecurity officers etc.  
   570.    Identity cards--human biosecurity officers etc.  
   571.    Offence--failure to return identity card  
   572.    General provisions relating to directions  

CHAPTER 11--Miscellaneous


           Division 1--Introduction

   573.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Review of decisions

   574.    Reviewable decisions  
   575.    Notice of decision  
   576.    Internal review of reviewable decisions  
   577.    Director of Biosecurity may require further information from applicants  
   578.    Review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal  


           Division 1--Introduction

   579.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Offences and civil penalties

              Subdivision A--Unauthorised use or disclosure of protected information

   580.    Use or disclosure of protected information  

              Subdivision B--Other matters

   581.    Protection from liability etc.  

           Division 3--Authorised uses and disclosures of relevant information

              Subdivision A--Authorised uses and disclosures by entrusted person or other persons

   582.    Use or disclosure for the purposes of this Act  
   583.    Use or disclosure for the purposes of managing human health risks  
   584.    Disclosure for the purposes of a State or Territory managing risks  
   585.    Disclosure for the purposes of foreign governments etc. managing risks  
   586.    Use or disclosure for the purposes of certain Acts  
   587.    Disclosure to a Commonwealth entity  
   588.    Disclosure to a court, tribunal etc.  
   589.    Disclosure for the purposes of law enforcement  
   590.    Use or disclosure for research, policy development or data analysis  
   590A.   Use or disclosure of statistics  
   590B.   Use or disclosure of publicly available information  
   590C.   Disclosure to person to whom information relates  
   590D.   Use or disclosure with consent  
   590E.   Disclosure to person who provided information  

              Subdivision B--Authorised uses and disclosures by Director of Biosecurity or Director of Human Biosecurity

   590F.   Disclosure to State or Territory body  
   590G.   Use or disclosure to manage severe and immediate threats  

              Subdivision C--Authorised uses and disclosures under regulations

   590H.    Use or disclosure authorised by regulations  


           Division 1--Introduction

   591.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Fees

   592.    Fees and other rules for fee - bearing activities  

           Division 3--Payment of cost-recovery charges

   593.    Paying cost - recovery charges  
   594.    Notional payments by the Commonwealth  

           Division 4--Unpaid cost-recovery charges

              Subdivision A--General

   595.    Late payment fee  
   596.    Recovery of cost - recovery charges  
   597.    Suspending or revoking permits etc. because of unpaid cost - recovery charges  

              Subdivision B--Dealing with goods to recover unpaid cost-recovery charges

   598.    Creation of charge on goods  
   599.    Effect of charge on goods  
   600.    Biosecurity officer may withhold goods that are subject to charge  
   601.    Moving or interfering with withheld goods  
   602.    When goods stop being withheld  
   603.    Sale of withheld goods  

              Subdivision C--Dealing with a conveyance to recover unpaid cost-recovery charge

   604.    Creation of charge on conveyance  
   605.    Effect of charge on conveyance  
   606.    Director of Biosecurity may detain conveyance that is subject to charge  
   607.    Moving or interfering with detained conveyance  
   608.    Release of detained conveyance  
   609.    Sale of detained conveyance  

           Division 5--Power to sell goods and conveyances

   610.    Sale of goods and conveyances  
   611.    Dealing with the proceeds of sale  

           Division 6--Miscellaneous

   612.    Providing sustenance for animals and plants  
   613.    Agriculture Minister may remit or refund cost - recovery charges  
   614.    Extraterritorial operation of this Part  


   614A.   Simplified outline of this Part  
   614B.   Arrangements and grants for dealing with risks posed by diseases or pests  
   614C.   Terms and conditions for grants  
   614D.   Additional operation of this Part  
   614F.   Executive power of the Commonwealth  
   614G.   Inclusion of information in annual reports  
   614H.   Delegation  


           Division 1--Introduction

   615.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Exemptions from and modifications of this Act

              Subdivision A--Exemption and modification by regulation

   616.     Exemptions from and modifications of this Act  
   617.    Exemptions for Torres Strait Treaty  

              Subdivision B--Modifications relating to declared movements between parts of Australian territory

   618.    Modified operation of this Act in relation to declared movements between parts of Australian territory  
   619.    Affected provisions and exit provisions  
   620.    How the affected provisions (except the exit provisions) apply because of this Subdivision  
   621.    Release from biosecurity control if goods leave destination part  
   622.    Release from biosecurity control if aircraft or vessel leaves destination part  
   623.    How the exit provisions apply because of this Subdivision  
   624.    Relationship between this Subdivision and other provisions of this Act  


           Division 1--Introduction

   625.    Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Abandoned or forfeited goods and conveyances

   626.    Abandoned goods  
   627.    Forfeited goods  
   628.    Prohibited goods etc. may be forfeited to the Commonwealth  
   629.    Abandoned conveyances  
   630.    Forfeited conveyances  

           Division 3--Damaged and destroyed goods etc.

   631.    Person complying with direction or request must not damage or destroy goods  
   632.    Compensation for damaged goods  
   633.    Compensation for destroyed goods, conveyances or other premises  
   634.    Claims for, and amount of, compensation  

           Division 4--Miscellaneous

   635.    Privilege against self - incrimination  
   636.    Offence--hindering compliance with the Act etc.  
   637.    Certificates given by analyst  
   638.    Admission of analyst's certificate in proceedings  
   639.    Power or requirement to do or cause a thing to be done  
   639A.   Clarifying conditionally non - prohibited goods  
   640.    Treatment of partnerships  
   641.    Treatment of unincorporated associations  
   642.    Arrangements with States and Territories to assist in carrying out this Act  
   643.    Delegation of powers by Agriculture Minister  
   644.    Protection from civil proceedings  
   645.    Regulations  

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